In the world known as Kendara, there lies a land, known as Balashar. In this land, the indigenous natives and the newcomers from the far east island continents reside. For nearly eight-hundred years, they have lived in peace, though at times it may have been uneasy.
The Balasharians, as the natives called them, had made a home in the center of the continent. Their nation had stretched to all parts of Balashar, while the tribes people stick to their coastal, forested, mountainous, plains, and frozen lands they have claimed as their own.
When the Balasharians first arrived at the continent known then as The Western Wilds, a terrible war broke out between both races. The tribes people fought diligently and their tactics were unheard of against their new foe. However, the armor and weapons these newcomers brought was something the natives had never produced or seen before.
The war had continued for only one year, until finally the spirits of the land intervened. With the help of both Chief Shar'paw of the Northern Wolves tribe, and the acting Regent Commander Baladain, they had achieved a peace treaty, and eventually allied themselves to help rebuild the communities lost from the war.
Years later, the natives left the newcomers to their doings, returning to the trails the spirits of the land had left for them to follow. With the success both Shar'paw and Baladain had achieved, both races agreed to forever call the land they lived as Balashar.
As mentioned, the natives stick to their environmental regions by choice. Five major tribes people exist in the land. The Forest Dwellers, The Mountain People, The Plain Herders, The Water Catchers, and finally Ice Keepers. There exist one more tribal faction - The Jungle Dwellers, but they have kept to themselves for centuries and do not see eye to eye with their cousin tribes.
The kingdom of Balashar has several provinces and smaller kingdoms who follow the order of the high king. One such province, known as Sequestered Valley resides far south of Balashar, and the influence of the high king is only spoken in whispers.
It is here, that we start the story of Leo, and his friends. What you will read from here on out is the adventure of a young boy that will bring about amazing changes to the ones he loves, and to those who know him.
So, looking back on this - what you will see in the continent Balashar is pretty much a what if-type scenario: What if Medieval Europe met Native North America? How would their cultures interact? Throw in some spiritual beings in the mix, and what do you get? There's a twist with the South American Native culture in there as well (namely Mayan and Inca), the Jungle Dwellers, or Rainforest Dwellers... haven't decided on that name yet.
ReplyDeleteI like the possible "what-if" scenarios, so I'm excited to read more as you develop it. However, my only thought is that if another war were to break out between the industrial people and the natives, it'd be very interesting to see a twist as to the outcome instead of the expected indigenous peoples getting forced out of their land.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I think you're right in possibly having the twist come from the Jungle Dwellers. Especially if their involvement was completely self-survival as opposed to helping either side.
ReplyDeleteRemember that this is just one-half of the world I'm telling so far. What ties all of these things together are really the spirits.
ReplyDeleteYou will absolutely LOVE how the Jungle Dwellers come into this. I'll post something I typed up over a year ago explaining the origins of the world.